Score interactive sequencer

libossia is a modern C++, cross-environment distributed object model for creative coding.

It allows to expose the architecture of your creative coding application’s functions over the network as a tree of OSC nodes and parameters. These nodes/parameters can have attributes, which allow to declare some of their properties, such as their values, types, units, ranges, etc….

This OSC tree-based architecture (coined “device” in the OSSIA terminology) can then be exposed under several protocols, some of which allow this architecture, and the properties and values of its nodes, to be explored and queried. For now, protocols available in the implemenations are: plain OSC, OSCquery, and Minuit - more are part of libossia and will be made available in the future.

libossia offers bindings for many environments: PureData, Max/MSP, Python, Unity3D, QML, Faust, SuperCollider.

More info on the ossia website.


Jamoma for Max

Since 2009, I have been involved in the Jamoma project, working on general research and development and documentation.

Initiated by a number of artists, musiciens, scientists and developpers of interactive media applications, the Jamoma plateform proposes a generic framework easing the implementation of users’ specific needs. Ceonceived and developped in a collaborative way, the framework thus results of needs emerging from practical artistic production, especially involving advanced technological needs.

Jamoma platform is an open source project (published under BSD license) started in 2005 aiming at offering a framework and toolbox to ease the development of intermedia applications.

A number of ideas and experiences gained from the Jamoma project are now at the core of the OSSIA project.

Visit Jamoma website for more information